Services & Pricing

We provide all the tools needed to get you up and running quickly and cost effectively.

Our Services

Indoor Map Creator

Our map creator has been designed to make creating and maintaining maps easy.

Maps are created to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF).

Our Spatial Ai automates indoor navigation setup including accessible route creation

Asset Tracking

Our tags can be tracked throughout your building or campus using our cloud platform.

That could be to find assets or to proactively schedule the right staff to a task based on their current location

Positions can be visualised in our web viewer or accessed using our RestAPIs

Indoor Positioning

Accurate indoor positioning is normally expensive to setup and maintain.

Our Spatial Ai enables indoor positioning without requiring anything to be installed

That makes locating people and things easy and cost effective to deploy and maintain

Map Creation & Deployment

Even though the tool is easy someone has to do the work. We provide services to create and manage  maps for you so you don't have too.

Our experience deploying indoor positioning in over 13mm sq/ft of indoor spaces means we can get you up and running quickly and efficienctly, which further reduces the cost and complexity

Starter Pricing

Interactive Map

€/£ 25 /Month

Any venue size

<2,500 unique visitors per month

iOS & Android Indoor Positioning

Indoor Navigation

3 Yr Contract

Asset Tracking

€/£ 100 /Month

Up to 100 Tags

Any venue size

Map Creation req.


Tags €/£ 35-49 ea.

Map creation

€/£ 995 /Venue

Venue <25K sq/m 

Single Building

IMDF Map Submission

Vector Map Export

5 Minor Changes